Here are some notes from a church meeting. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
– Who to worship: Moses 1:15 worship God. Only him we shall serve. When we worship God it shows our love.
– Worship recreates who we are.
– One person ensures to read a proverb a day to help workshop.
– Exudes 20:1-4. We should worship God. Anything else we worship over him is an idol.
– Proverbs 29:18
– True worship is not restricted to one day of the week.
– Sunday is the day we prime the pump for the rest of the week.
– Sometimes determine the purpose you do something. That can let you know if your activity is a good goal.
– Confidence and improve a task to excellence and build others. Pride is where you shoot others down.
– Using our talent is a type of worship.
– Idols that separate us from God are never satisfactory.
– How do we worship: Obedience, Service
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