This is a continuation of my notes about self-editing, offered by Talsa Sainz.
Categories: the task by color
red: deleted.
Diction: orange
Narration: green
Dialog: blue
Function: yellow
Delete? Red: deleted every unnecessary word. Cut at least 10% every single word is necessary. I.e.: that, time words, intensifiers, empty words, clichés contracts.
Do a CTR F to search out these words. If have the same world of that twice on a page. Can rephrase the sentence for that if needed
Time words: when, then, suddenly, currently, began to, started to. Etc.
Intensifiers; i.e.: really, very, absolutely, strongly a little, rather, quite, a bit, always, never i.e.: she was very gorgeous.
Mark Twain: subtitle “damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very,’ your editor will delete it and the writing ….
Empty words: it is, there was, in order to, thing, just, stuff.
Delete clichés: if overused, they weaken the writing. If used correctly and in the right context great.
Delete contractions: The narrator should not use most contractions. They’re, you’re, he’s she’d, I’m etc.
Use only if your MC uses it. It’s hard for the reader. Don’t use them unless you need them.
Diction: change
Resist the urge to explain.
Ex: Johnny
Diction: hedging, weak verb, negatives usage redundancies. Want verbs to be evocative. Search ly verbs.
Ex: john left the room. John stormed out of the room.
Hedging: appearance, indication, inference, likelihood, possibly, probably, suggestions, tendency, to my knowledge.
Adjective: apparent, certain, consistent with, few, many, most, possible, presumed, probable, punitive, several, some, supposed
Ex: he
Adverbs (hedging (: about, apparently, arguably, fairly, in general, largely, likely, more or less, mostly, often perhaps, possibly, presumably, probably, quite, rather, unlikely.
Diction: negatives: do not waste your words explained what is not happening
The room
Diction: correct usage: your/you’re
They/ their/ they’re
Good/ well i.e.: I’m doing well
Diction: substitute redundancies:
Clap your hands
Shrug your shoulders
Nodded her head
Blinked his eyes
The sound of the bells ringing
Sat down on the couch
Screaming loudly
Do you have something to add? If you do, please respond in the comment section of this blog. Thanks.