These are notes I swapped with another note taker at life the universe and everything. That way, we get notes from other panels we may not have attended. The panelists were: James Minz, Jo Walton, Susan Chang. I will first share this person’s notes and then my notes of the same panel follow. There may be some repetition and some things that are different.
– There are many ways to get published, so whatever works, works, but it is worth noting that there are some steps that you should follow to increase your chances.
– While waiting for agents and editors to either accept or reject your MS, sit down and write another book. You’ll get better and when they ask if you have anything else to read, you can say yes!
– Your chances of being traditionally published are greater if you have representation, so go get an agent!
– Take some time writing short fiction simply to be improving your craft. But don’t spend too much time doing it if it’s not your thing.
The following are my notes on the same panel.
– Need to establish a personal connection with the agent’/ publisher.
– Write another book while you wait for a response on the one you’ve pitched.
– Tor and Bean take serious slush pile.
– You need to have a website and go to conventions to promote yourself.
– Do marketing things you enjoy doing.
– Many will self-publish their backlist.
– Those that self-publish need to include others to make professional quality art and editing.
– Need to all be writing short fiction, it is a way to practice your craft. It lets you experiment. There is still a vibrant market. Edits will pay more attention to a name they recognize than one they don’t.
– If you have a manuscript that is a weird length you might self-publish it.
– Work on many things and improve yourself as a writer. Don’t keep polishing the same egg.
– If it is not a form letter from an agent or publisher, it is a win for your writing.
– Sometimes if an editor recognizes your name elsewhere they make take time for a personalized letter.
– The advantage of getting rejected on a so-so letter is the author is known for their first book but book three is of the high quality but no one is paying attention to it.
– You need to be professional in all writing relationships.
– One example of being a professional is to let the query letter or manuscript is a simultaneous submission.
– $25 to read a manuscript and if you do well you consistently chose good books that go up.
– If someone says your write like xoxo. Look that author up.
– Look for a younger agent.
– Sf/f of America website has a lot of info for writers.
– The best thing you can do to get published is by writing a MS that an agent can fall in love with.
Do you have something to add? If you do, please respond in the comment section of this blog. Thanks.