Family history of writers:


These are from the writer’s conference of life the universe and everything. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • Writing about real family
  • Family members don’t recognize themselves. If there are specific incidents, they might. They won’t recognize them
  • Take what is useful and then feel free to deviate.
  • Why write a family history?
  • People will write because they don’t have their own family.
  • Relatives know how to tell stories.
  • The culture we were raised at home, form what we write.
  • One wants to understand themselves by understanding their origins of the family.
  • Swiftly tilting planet is a generation book
  • Pillars of the earth=five families
  • Divulge family history gradually. Don’t want to have a data dump. Will be influenced by how important it is to the story. No backstory in the first 3 chapters. Can distribute it throughout the book.
  • Use a spreadsheet and what book they are in. may include a description and key activities. And the type of car.

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About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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