These are more notes from my weight loss class. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker and I don’t know how to spell certain words.
- We need less than we think we do. A standard portion is a stack of cards. Woman two cars a day and men 2-3 portions.
- In a lot of foods than meat, nuts, seeds, eggs, cheese.
- Protein function: build muscles and cells. Helps our body function.
- Free range meats tend to be leaner.
- Marbling in a protein with extra fat.
- Meats, eggs, cheese
- Fats: body needs fat for lubrication. Helps keep skin and hair moisturized. Fat is required for children and their brain development. Some reports say that omega 3 fats help with old timers.
- Helps with the satisfaction/ or help food taste good.
- Seasons can help lean meat taste better.
- Fat does help absorb certain vitamin and minerals.
- Protect our bones and organs to help cushion our body.
- Fat has twice as many calories per gram than protein and carhaborites.
- Fat in your body is a temperature regulator.
- Fat-free often means more sugar
- Good fats: unsaturated fats (vegetables or plant sources)
- Saturate sources fat> meat
- Nuts seeds, oils.
- Almonds and porticoes nuts are lower than others.
- Macadamia is high.
Vitamins and mineral:
- Good, you eat your supplements. We can’t create them on our own.
- Balance diet from all food groups is the way to make sure you get need minerals and vitamins.
- The body does create vitamins d with exposure to the skin. Can’t wear sunscreen.
- Part of the year that has vitamin D, between May to Oct. so Utahans are deficient.
- Make sure taking too much supplement. 400-600 IU is the recommended level. Maybe take a dosage every other day to not go over.
- Is a supplement necessary: may just one to cover most of the nutrients
- Taking extra vitamins does is not extra good. Be cared to take too much supplement.
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