These are some notes of a talk from church. Any inaccuracies are the fault of the note taker.
- In 2018; invite each of member to pay more attention to the temple in our lives. Think how this can happen. It should be regular and consistent. Sincere in our prayers and scripture study etc. All members can find a creative way in our busy lives to give a little more attention to the temple. One way is to work on our family history.
- Had a goal to spend one hour each month on family history.
- 6% of membership was participating in online history now as a stake we are up to 12%. More names are being found and more ordinances are being done and more families are being sealed. We renew that invitation.
- To attend regularly. There is no substitute for being there. President Hinckley says you will gain blessings there that you can gain anywhere else on the earth. I hope everyone gets to the temple on a regular basis. If we are attending the temples, we will become a better people. Go to the h house of the Lord you will be blessed and our lives will be blessed. (Paraphrase Pres. Kimble.
- There is not anything that they have done that can keep people from attending the temple if you have the desire.
- There is no more important goal to work for than to be worthy to go to the temple.
- Until you have entered the house of the lord and received all the blessings that are there, you have not received everything that the church has to offer.
- As we find the time to be there great blessings will occur in all aspects of our lives.
- Give more time to time to the temple do a more rigorous study of the doctrines and obedience to the convenient, we will get a stronger understanding and faith of these principals.
- If the family is the most important thing in eternity then God will ensure that the family continues.
- The Prophet Elijah restored seal of the parents to the sons and the daughters in 1836. Elijah mission applies as much on this side of the veil as it does on the other side.
- Elder Packer: it is a great challenge to raise a family in the darkening mists of our environment. It is not uncommon for responsible parents to lose their children for a lie. They agonize over rebellious sons and daughters. We cannot overemphasize the value of temple marriage and standards of worthiness required of them. When parents keep their convents their children will be ever bound to them. (Paraphrase such doctrine pries a measure of hope for all of us
- Our Heavenly Father is much more literal and boundless in his law then we are ready to believe.
- Don’t doubt the power of your covenants.
- Everyone will remember.
- Narrow-minded man-made limitations on what God can or can’t do.
- Attend the temple and obey our covenants.
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