Notes from Church.
- Time of Christ’s atonement:
- 194: hymn there is a green hill far away.
- This touches upon Christ’s sacrifice.
- The first day entered on a donkey. It was a fulfillment of prophecy.
- He cursed a Fig tree that had no fruit. One may ask why? Maybe because the tree was pretending what it was not? Christ had the power to take away and give life.
- Went to the temple and cleansed the temple. 3 yrs. prior drove the money changers out. He refers to the temple as my house. Three yrs. ago he referred to it as my father’s house. When unrighteous things are being done, it becomes your house.
- There were many miracles. And the leaders became jealous.
- Third and fourth day, the leaders asked questions trying to trick him.
- He taught sermons and parables.
- Herodians were followers of Hared. Asked who we serve. Show me the coin. Give what is Caesars to Caesar and give what is God’s to God.
- Pharisees and Satrapies asked questions trying to trick him.
- Thursday night had Passover supper. Went to the garden of Gethsemane.
- Went to trials: Christ was charged with blasphemy. Took to pilot. Changed to treason from blasphemy. Pilot sent to Hared. Hared sent back to Pilot. Get one prisoner free. A murder was freed.
- Christ willing to set aside his own desires the desires of the father. He follows the will of the Father.
- Trust in God can strengthen us.
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