Notes from church.
- Born Dec 23rd. known as the close of the beginning of light
- The crazy day of the birth of Joseph Smith being born.
- Two days later the great light the birth of Christ being born.
- Before death: reading Ether. God will give unto people grace. Read by Hyrum.
- At day of death sang the song a poor wayfaring man of grief.
- Through all the challenges of smiths life pales in comparison of what Christ did for us.
- Moroni 7:35-37 by faith that angels appear and minister unto men
- We make a living on what we do. We make a life by what we give.
- Ether 12:18 miracles after their faith
- Gen 50:23,
- 2 Nephi 3:14-15 Nephi relates a prophecy.
- (JST) gen 50:33:
- Isiah 29:: 11-14 prophecy of book of Mormon: I am not learned
- John 1:21, 25 that prophet
- Truman g Madison stories of joseph.
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