Notes from church one Sunday:
- Following the word of wisdom was a challenge for the speaker.
- As learned the gospel she became fearf8ul that she would never be good enough if she didn’t/t follow the commandments.
- Realize that commandments don’t come with regret. No commandment is too small or too great to achieve.
- Each of us has opportunities to learn the commandments that God has given us.
- Ask yourself why do you follow the commandments? Is it because you want to follow Christ. Do we fear punishment and regret? Is it to have a reward that we did good?
- We need to ask that question to see why we do what we do. At some point in our lives, we will believe in ourselves and connect to our Heavenly Father.
- Are we all going to follow the commandments in fear or in faith?
- Is it better to follow the commandments in fear than to not follow them at all?
- When someone has a problem with a particular command they can get depressed that they are not good enough.
- It is our choice on how we can follow the commandments.
- D&C 75: I am the Lord the light to honor those in riotousness
- God wants us to open our hearts to him. Wants us to live the commandments because it comes from our heart.
- Obedience also helps us to progress. To get to know our father in heaven. We decide to follow the truth and riotousness.
- As a parent, we tell a child to complete a task. Parents feel good
- When the child does what has been asked. Bette when they do it because they want to do it.
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