Notes from church one Sunday:
- Is the pure in heart
- Can be church/ stakes
- City of Enoch
- Building of Zion (the purifying of our hearts)
- Existed before in previous dispensations.
- Moses 7:17: City of Enoch. People were united in riotousness.
- Moses7:63: the city will return to New Jerusalem.
- Dc 101:6-8 God is slow to hear cries of the people due to un-riotousness. People polluted themselves by behavior and actions.
- Later day prophets had encouraged us to established Zion in our hearts.
- Dc 82:14-15 Zion’s borders must expand. Stakes must be strengthened. We must increase in holiness.
- Characteristics of people of Zion:
- DC: 97:21 pure in heart
- DC: 28:27: be one heart and one mind
- DC: 64:34,35: obedient rules followed by consequences. Partaker of the spirt to help us along the way
- DC:105: 3: sinners not helping the poor and afflicted.
- DC: 97: 10-16: temple, concentration
- Dc 105:10 teaching each other.
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