Notes from LTUE. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- If you have tried to write a script, you are a scriptwriter
- A writer’s first objective is to act with confidence.
- Start writing even if you don’t know what you’re doing yet.
- George Lucas is not a member of the script guild, he did ok.
- You get paid for the script and then you get paid for rewrites and when you submit it needs to be in final draft.
- Please use some type of scriptwriting software. The format is essential to agents/ movie houses. If they can tell the script is not on screenwriting software we just pass it. Because in our experience it is a waste of time for us to read because there will be formatting issues.
- You use Courier font 12 point. It format to the correct word counts to the industry.
- Ways for a script to look good on a page. You want to write pictures.
- The description is a bit like an outline. There may be paragraphs if there is world build that moves the plot forward.
- The description is blocking and you want to use descriptive words like crashes rather than falling.
- Big blocking paragraphs are a killer to your script.
- Filmmakers are visual and a bit AED. And have white space and streamline your script.
- Every word you write is your enemy.
- Read a lot of scripts of movie you admire.
- Imsdb: is where you can scripts.
- Script pdf by author google it.
- In scripts will put in “we see this”
- You can take a script class.
- Spike the scene with a dialog. Helps long test and gives a reader a pause.
- Windows and orphans: so avoid a single word with at the end of a line. No hanging word or no lead world few words. You can combine sentences or remove extra unnecessary words.
- Watch text manipulation. There are areas to loosen or tighten but don’t do it too often.
- Add a variety of paragraph changes length.
- you can write shorts.
- If there short scenes. Occasionally do quick one line:
- Car rush man
- Jumps to the side
- Car crashes into the wall
- You do not direct the film in the script.
- Dialog and action: what does to our eyes. Dialog and action.
- Script writing is like poetry because it is compressed.
- Underling, italics bold can add a little variety in the text. Maybe like for blast.
- Slugline is moving to a new scene Interior/exterior. May put in bold to add variety. Slugline tells the director how to set up the scene.
- Screen format is for you but those who work on the move will use the script to do their jobs.
- Italics can be used for internal dialog.
- Transitions with Hard cuts: move to an entire location. Tells the reader we are going to an entirely new location.
- Google: short scripts.
- Sub slug: run into the hallway.
- Query short films.
- WGA: you can register a script. Provide insurance, 35 grand.
Do you have something to add? If you do, please respond in the comment section of this blog. Thanks.