Here is more great writing advice from Life, the Universe, and Everything. The theme of the presentation is about writing part-time. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- Why full time: tired of working for others.
- Took off the job for a year and make a try. If good keep going if not back to work.
- The more books you have out the more sources of income.
- Work very hard to not spend much time on diversions like Facebook
- Don’t let diversions take your time like doing social events.
- If you find you’re being a monster in your life you need to do something different to not be one.
- You need to be able to pay your bills.
- To succeed you have to hustle and spend extra time.
- Keep yourself healthy or you can produce your best work.
- To avoid burn out you need to feed yourself.
- If something traumatic happens in your life its ok to put tour writing on hold. Don’t have to be frantic to catch up. Just reset your goals from your new starting point.
- Often writers are unhappy because the finish lines always changes as you try to accomplish everything that other authors accomplish.
- Find a way to be happy during your writing. Make a memory of fun times.
- Harlen Edison says working is a job. You write until your fingers bleed. You won’t succeed otherwise.
- In writing, you’re going to have a lot of bad days at the office. You work through it.
- You have to put boundaries around yourself.
- Authors write every day.
- Create sticker calendars for every 500 words you create.
- Writing takes persistence.
- You establish your writing habits by writing each day.
- If you write every day you don’t have to be a fast writer to get a lot of words.
- You could even write during half your of lunch break.
- Some people get up early or write late.
- Competitive people might want to compete with other and you can get output.
- Will take a walk or doing a home chart you can think about your plot or characters
- Take advantage of times that can be used for writing.
- You don’t find time to write you make time to write.
- Sit down and write
- Some authors have a specific word count a day
- Be accountable to a deadline.
- 3 times a week go to the gym an hour.
- Give yourself extra time deadlines so that you cannot be hindered by unexpected events.
- Full-time writing may take the first yr to becoming productive.
- Find the time of day or night that you re more productive.
- Full-time authors may take a 45 min break in the middle of the day.
- Book: the war of art by Steven x
- Some of those who have a long commute will dictate their writing into a recorder or type on the train bus.
- Schedule time with other authors who get together and write for an hour not to shoot the breeze
- You need to have time to read. You need to have scheduled time to get new input from their material. You need to study your craft. Consider that as research
- Audiobooks let you multitask while you’re driving or doing tasks.
- Edits want a good book and can you hit deadlines.
- Need to be personable and likable and do a good work and meet deadline > you only need to be able to do two of them. Idea from author with the first name of neil google “make good work”
- Plot out your book in advance so that if you encounter a plot hole that can be solved you don’t have to trash 100 pgs.
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