I am working on losing weight. I’m taking a class. Here are my notes. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- All sessions are required.
- One on one in dietitian office
- Need to attend all 22 classes.
- Lose 7% of your starting weight. In first 6 mo.
- Exercise 150 min. a week 30 min. Which is 30 min each weekday
- Track your food intake and exercise
- Give a hard copy of your fool journal each week.
- Will also set personal goals.
- Weigh in each meeting,
- Full price > covered by insurance as long as you attend all of the sessions.
- If you change your insurance co., the old insurance they pay up to end of coverage
- Facebook page: private page. You will get a link. Click on the link. Click on the join button. Post questions. Recipes, humor.
- We give a monthly chat. Can review later at past events.
- Pinterous page. Hand out in bind with urls
- Have some online > applications.
- Set personal goals: behavior, exercise, etc.
- Is a way to judge our progress, provides focus.
- You can’t set a goal you are not in charge of.
- Goals need to be achievable.
- Change your goal if it is not working or realistic. Do you need to reach the goal?
- When you meet a goal get a new one. Work on them until you accomplish them.
- Smart: be
- Specific
- Measurable:
- Achievable:
- Relevant:
- Time sensitive
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