Here is more great writing advice from Life, the Universe, and Everything. The theme of the presentation is acting for writers: By Annie Awall. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- We were building an audience before the book comes out. Melva’s website: have fellow authors provide a favorite scene: 1 pg. synopsis.
- Bestsellers may take time to become popular and grow. Now you can hire a consultant to make you a big seller but it could backfire as you will be backlisted.
- Neilson ratings for books. = rates books.
- Publish is a very fluid business. It is not always a romance. It is a give and take where each side doesn’t like something.
- Back list: means you are not listed in the publisher’s books.
- Having training where your book is part of the training can influence training.
- If invited to a book club, ask did they want a reduced price to buy books prior to my visit?
- A business model can help sells.
- When you write queries: also submit a business plan. Tell them the size of your audience of who is going to buy your book and why. It’s all about the base.
- Always now that you don’t have just an English speaking audience. Don’t make our book too American.
- You, yourself is your best marketing tool.
- You need to read other people’s works and do reviewers. Post on Amazon and good reads.
- Shelf awareness: will send you an email of new books and often have book giveaways. This is a good way to get your name out there. If you get a free book, you need to review it. Other people are willing to help you as they can review you since you reviewed them.
- You can’t be shy about your book. I’m not afraid.
- Tips for finding an agent.
- Agents sell the publisher on you.
- For agents check, see who they represent.
- Don’t ever pay money upfront. Reputable agents don’t ask for money up front.
- Create a book proposal: audience, synopsis, table of content, and sample chapter. Bio. Well them on what your influence/reach/plan from you can do on social media. If you self-publish, you don’t sell publishers on buying your book.
- Attend book conferences = you can network meet authors where you can review each other.
- Book expo of America: a lot of the audience is book blogging. Give away free books. You can also see the trends in publishing.
- On good reads, you can see which reviews have 500 readers then that person would be a good person to review your book.
- You can ask fellow authors to ask who their agent is, what they do to address different topics.
- When you sell something you have to build a relationship. You don’t want to bug them every day. After the first sale, wait 4 weeks before contacting them. Be respectful and courteous commination when they first reply, say when can I expect a future contact.
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