Here is more great writing advice from Life, the Universe, and Everything. The theme of the presentation is acting for writers: By Scott Bronson. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- Second entrance: someone needs to enter with already existed. You need to be a person prior to going on stage. The same goes for writing
- Do you have a private audience that you want to improve? Deceased parents or people in your head who you want to impress you want to perform for them to impress. You may want to determine a character’s private audience.
- Book acting power by Robert colleen.
- Even dialog where nothing happens can be front with deep emotion or purpose as motivated by what has happened before.
- We don’t always talk about important things.
- Takes the notes on how we behave how we walk, breath, physical actions, looks.
- The audience likes people who do things more make an effort.
- Body language. Wipe around tear, leg tense, Sighs. Awkward pause.
- People behaving by who is observing them.
- There is as much important to the notes you don’t play as the notes you do play.
- In a pay q line aid “do you remember the first time I kissed you?” it was hard to do because the play did not give any idea of what the first kiss was like. The actor had an easier time once he devised an image. She was making spaghetti.
- Actors have to do imagery work all the time, such as they’re in the kitchen and upstairs and need a sense of place and history.
- How often have you read something that you did not get the sense of people are around? Authors often miss that detail.
- Whatever details that will reveal who the people are around.
- You can use action to show thought processer. Depending on how you describe the action will illustrate their attitude.
- Inherit the stars: James b Hogan. Exposition on the moon discovers a human skeleton. Wearing a red space suit.
- If a character has a quirk like rubbing their nose all the time, then you need a reason. The action is influenced by mind and hearts. If they break away from expected behavior there needs a reason.
- Different characters in a scene will have a different objective in that scene. Estranged father and daughter father wants to build a suspension bridge and daughter wants to build a bridge and they miss each other.
- A lot of power of a simple scene can be defined by what has happened before.
- Notice other people and make judgments. Their actions may have a different meaning than the same actions you give and has a different meaning.
- If you want to have your readers follow yours tory along. You need to love every character you are writing about. You need to acknowledge that behavior may not be bad or good.
- Watch what people do and their body actions.
- People entering a scene are coming from somewhere.
- When you start in the middle of a scene you need to find out what has happened before.
- Know what to say, why you’re saying it and say it so the other people will understand > is the objectives of a writers/ actors.
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