The following job search advice is provided by Brother Foster at LDS unemployment.
- Keep track of every Email and phone conversations. Maybe on a spreadsheet. Color code Excel cells to identify the type of activity
- More people lose a job by volunteering information that isn’t needed. Don’t talk too much this includes phone calls.
- The difference in candidates will show the value of the person’s time of calling. You can share how you a likable in a short time
- Phone calls should not go over five minutes. It is suggested to be listened to even call back for another
- Keep a record of the call and record when you will call back. And keep that schedule as it will show your dependable person
- Employers are looking for excuses to eliminate candidates.
- Record the key issues of the conversation
- Take advantage of Outlook for the calendar feature. Gmail has similar capabilities
- Can use tags to identify one’s email
- Use a calendar to document we need to call somebody
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