I found this to be an interesting panel at LTUE. They have some excellent panels there. Any inaccurate information is the fault of the note taker.
- Propaganda: any media that has the goal of getting the recipient to act in a certain way. You could show businesses positively or negatively by such things as anti-smoking commercials.
- Book, 1984, highlights the propaganda.
- How propaganda is different from ads: pro: wants to you have a certain worldview or an action.
- 2016 elections had both sides with a lot of propaganda on both sides.
- Propaganda techniques: 3 types
- Pathos: appeals to feelings. One ad, against the policies of a President, has a little girl playing in daises, and then the screen goes white with a blast of a nuclear bomb
- Logos: appeal to logic. See an add ‘buy this item, because they break down of features and to save money. Not a strong form of persuasion. Most of our decision comes. Presidents chose by who is most likeable. Usually more emotional is better.
- Ethos: is like endorsements by celebrities. Ads based on who someone is.
- As people become bigger, others want to be like them.
- Propaganda as a tool: will often have a bad character that had the wrong attitude.
- Book: state of fear, Michael Crownton. Talks about global warming.
- Propaganda can be used to control people: Brandon poll: A World Without Heroes: Beyonders, book. In book, Paredes for heroes, characters promote their Point of View.
- Propaganda creates an ‘other’ history to hate such as in history: the Huns. They become the target to fight against. Mormons have horns. Movie: trapped by the Mormon.
- Studies have shown that people don’t feel it affects them. But they believe it will affect their neighbor so they will respond to it.
- People will hear something, forgot the source but will still believe it.
- Book: Switch how to make change when change is hard. When you make it easy to take actions they will do it. Put food outside door got more food then bring to community center.
- Politicians will associate themselves with images like flag, or eagles to associate with American way.
- Movie: wag the dog.
- To share a message in a movie has it in the past or future so people will not feel threatened by the message being current.
- Overt Propaganda relies upon felicities of thought. Ie: Economy downturn is the Jew’s fault.
- Because the man is labeled as bad that means anything he says is bad.
- Book: thinking fast or slow. People are happier when they are around people who feel the same way.
- Book: made to stick, how to create a message that people will remember and may act on. Story is a great example. Wag the dog was where a created a story. Soldier put in morose code on seater. Hi mom I’m ok.
- There was a Rumer that McDonalds used worms in their meat. Publicist says how much does worm meat cost. Found cost and sent out message worm meat is too expensive. And the rumor dropped.
- Make your message emotional, concrete and tell stories.
- A lot of Propaganda has a face to it. Big brother in 1894. It creates the ethos.
- Celebrities will have people come up and talk to them as if they know them.
- Three fingers and crossed pinky and thumb will put you in prison in North Korea because the symbol from hunger game is a sign of resistance.
- The book, The Circle, soon to be a movie is about a society that shows that personal privacy is bad.
- Hitler killed all opposing views. The other is here is a thought and this is why it is wrong. Marginize them.
- Book: Revolt in 2100
- There’s a rule that an argument can only go so longer before one calls the other a Nazi.
- Propaganda highlights only one part of the truth.
- 90 % truth and 10% that is not and they’ll believe it.
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