Advice to America:


At toast masters, I was assigned topic master and asked attendees this question: What advice would you give the people of America today.

  • The best kind of meal is a buffet. Meat, sausage, casserole, drinks, a repertoire of experiences is the most appealing aspect.  People come from around the world to the United States. Get the aroma of different cultures and flavors, people that invent things from around the world. There are a lot of wonderful inventions from the United States. These creations benefit to world as each person contributes in some way.  I might want to give counsel to see strengths of each other.  If you don’t know why someone does something, you should get to know them.
  • what can we do in this country to make it a better place for everybody?  When I was young, live and let live.  Not everyone has to think the same way.  We can be different.  There are lunatics on both ends of political spectrum.  Don’t need to go on streets and panic if he had president he didn’t like.  Stop trying to change everyone’s opinion. Quit worrying about the rich or poor guy and enjoy life.  Think it would be a much more enjoyable place to live.
  • Gandhi said, “be the change you want to see”.  She had an interesting experience this week.  School teacher and the speaker said the definition of a hero?  Someone who gives without any expectation of receiving anything in return.  Topic to give counsel on how to be best selves.  I believe to be best we can be and best nation starts with the individual. Taught the 7thgrade, had a conversation in class about being a hero.  The kids told her that you have to be self-aware and other aware.  If you’re aware of own needs, will understand other people better.  Will make the country better and be the change you want to see.
  • The thing I can do to be the best I can be (doing it a year). Don’t blame anyone and don’t make excuses.  If late don’t blame on the alarm clock, phone, or the kids.  Just accept that you’re late.  Don’t blame yourself.  Don’t make excuses.  Don’t say it was someone’s fault.  That’s how I’ve become best I can be and am a lot happier, never disappointed or sad, tell myself every day, don’t’ make excuses or blame other people.  Feel I can be the best I can be and not be so flagrant.
  • A few years ago, able to go on a trip to Turkey and loved culture experience.  Listened to call to prayer day and night. Studied and went to different mosques, the guide gave her profound advice that she loved and remembered.  A cultures differences and religions, look for commonalities, and what they do better.  What in her religion could be improved by what someone else is teaching?  Always fascinated by different cultures and as we embrace and learn from each other for moments to be taught and how lives improved from learning from someone else.  Next month hosting Iraqi refugee family for dinner.  Muslims have a terrorist connotation, believe understanding different cultures and where they’re coming from gives us a lesson to learn. lesson to embrace commonalities and support families.  Have religious music playing for a family like she does for her.  She’s excited to learn Iraqi culture.
  • I wanted to address a flagrant problem in the nation today.  Toilet paper roll without toilet paper.  In the bathroom, you are at the point of decision and there’s no toilet paper.  Call fellow citizens to rise above proper practice and invite family to be proactive.  Make us great.  If we all take the perspective of seeing little things that need to be done, picking up litter, talking to someone, calling up a friend, have a strong conviction that it will solve the problem of being unattentive to needs around us.
  • I want to echo some thoughts already expressed.  I enjoy learning.  I’m passionate about it.  Love to take an hour and talk about how the brain works. There are problems about our education and how it could be so much better.  As we learn about subjects, we become more knowledgeable.  We create a shell around us.  I know this thing.  Don’t know all of it only a little bit.  At some point, shell makes us live a robotic life, brush teeth, go to work, go to sleep.  Need to continuously crack the shell open and learn something, especially about other people.  Lived in a few states and traveled to different countries.  Different people think different things are important.  Things he worries about are trivial in comparison.  How others view life and what they need makes him want to help them.  Develop empathy.  They become your cares and concerns.  Invite each of us to not make flagrant decision to do nothing, but do something and learn something about something or someone.

What advice would you give to the citizens of America? Please give feedback in the comment section of this blog.

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