I got some good notes in class on repentance. Enjoy.
- Alma 34:31 > plan of redemption.
- Repentance:
- Whatever the cost of sin it is swallowed up in the joy of repentance.
- Repentance leads to forgiveness and lasting peace.
- President Packer: when you repent of your sins you sins are forgotten completely.
- Faith in Lord Jesus Christ. We need to come to him with a repentant heart.
- Satan wants us to believe that when we have sin we can’t go to God for help. God has the power to enable us to overcome sin.
- You have to be an active participation to repentance.
- We must have sorry for the win.
- If we acknowledge that we have sinned, it will lead to Godly sorrow.
- We need to have a sincere desire to repent and humble ourselves.
- We need to accept the consequences of our sin and path to repentance,
- Confession
- Proverbs 28:13> he that covereth his sin shall not prosper.
- Kneel in humble prayer and confess our sin and ask how can I fix it.
- Serious sin needs to be confessed to Gad and church author. There may be disciplinary actions.
- Abandonment of sin.
- DC 58:43 man will confess and forsake sin
- Need to abandon the behavior
- We can associate with people who will help us be better.
- Don’t give up if you slip.
- Need to have a resolution that we will not commit that sin, ever.
- Restitution
- DC 1:32>he that repents shall be forgiven.
- Never is the soul nobler than when we forgive. This includes forgiving ourselves. May your life print more loudly than your lips? President Urdorf.
- John 14:27> peace give I unto let your heart not be troubled.
- Repentance and Forgiveness:
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