This is probably was not the title of the panel but it seems to match with the content below. These are notes taken from a writer symposium about various terms. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker
- Tagline: very brief electronic spread.
- Blurb: comment from other authors. Work with people you know who can swap blurbs.
- Some publishers might prefer blogger name rather than real names is that to the office known for.
- Don’t get your feelings hurt someone does not want to work
- These are the notes from one of the panels I attended at life universe and everything.
- Send buyers to editors. They should be about 200 words when you put on the back of the book. 50 to 100 worded bios are used in a program. You can have various edited versions depend upon the use.
- Humor in a bio is good.
- Read other bios from John the books. Have a tweet that mentions your book.
- You want something that other people that with you.
- Have the bio match and cater to the theme and image of the conference.
- Your bio may change as things are updated.
- A bio with a synopsis – editors know that an author doesn’t have many credentials.
- If you have nonrelated fiction in a bio have it related to the topic of nonfiction work such as if you work in a flower shop that shows your expertise on the book of flower arrangements. Awards are published in more than 10 K markets.
- Indicate if you work the big-name author. Back liners: Book descriptions may be the summary of information that we use Macquarie.
- Self-publish – look for length restrictions of bios such as what smashers may have. It has a 400 character limit.
- You don’t have to tell the reader the whole story. Don’t get the ending just a teaser.
- If you get hooked on a book, write it down.
- Book descriptions are as important as the cover. Protagonist, conflict, and antagonist – the hero fights against what forces and why should the reader care.
- The book descriptions for genre look on the Internet and see what other people doing and make your similar.
- Have the voice of characters match to the book cover.
- You can do a book blurb/bio/back cover in a writing group.
- You can change book descriptions on Amazon.
- Your book descriptions need to illustrate the major conflict and the stakes dependent upon failure or success.
- Have the same length of books that match the genre or type of book. Five guys in the level – announces awards.
- Make sure you have the back cover match the tone of the narrator.
- Synopsis: one page 2 to 5 pages. The synopsis needs to have key points, and plot twists as though the ending.
- Look at the scene for continuity of plot structure.
- Maybe just highlight key events in the chapter.
- Don’t write in the first person.
- Reference to self in the third person.
- Some synopsis does six conflicts in sequence order.
- One page synopsis, have people read it and ask what their questions are about what they read.
- Minor 3 to 5 characters on the synopsis. High fantasy might have tried family actions.
- Look at how Wikipedia does a description of a movie plot. This could be a good source to follow.
- Title of one’s work: in space, no one can hear you scream
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