This was a presentation at Toastmasters. Notes are complements of the secretary.
This speech is meant for small business owners or people with traditional businesses trying to get into business online.
- People talk about traditional methods such as TV and radio for advertising and now transitioning to online. Traditional marketing bludgeons you with advertisements about Taco Bell and things you don’t care about. Online is not the same. You’re in control. You go to a website, click on the ad to get the ad. Attraction marketing.
- As a business, you create a customer avatar.
- People are online (Facebook) and want to feel intrigued. They have to feel like the message is for them. An example is Adam Jones, a fictitious 28-year-old man, manager, married with three kids aged 8, 5,2 , loves the gym, fitness, motorcycles, video games, and spends on average of 3 hours/night and weekends online.
- May be able to find a picture of him.
- You can find demographics on him via command search “gym”. It gives you a list of magazines. Men’s Fitness and other magazines have a “media kit” which provides information such as demographics.
- Information pulls up as a PDF with audience breakdown by
- Male/female,
- Age groups,
- Employment,
- College,
- Income, etc.
- You can add to Adam Jones’ profile. Income median and race, presuming black in this case.
- That way you can focus on something they’re interested in.
- Without a customer avatar, you have a lower chance of attracting customers. More likely, you will push them away.
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