I don’t recall if I took these notes as from a writer’s conference, Wester con or a family history conference. Any inaccuracies or misinformation in any of these notes is the fault of the note taker.
- Techniques to draw people to your blog. Posts that get the most traffic is unique. such as How to milk a goat. sea tick = how to catch. it is amusing and has pictures.
- Determine a concern and your blog can address that concern.
- Write from the heart.
- Set up a Facebook page for each of your books.
- The way you find a balance between gimmick and write from the heart is to know your bloggers first
- Such topics on a blog could be business thoughts or parenting.
- Write about what is relevant such as depression.
- One blog has characters from your book talking as if they were real people.
- Place you can set up a blog: Word Press.
- Do not put up pictures of your children when doing blogs about your family.
- When blogging about your kids don’t share the bad.
- Try to have a lot of adventures, reading, and self-reflection to provide content.
- Elizabeth Gilbert’s Ted speech. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86x-u-tz0MA , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_waBFUg_oT8 etc
- Put your seat in the chair.
- Your creativity can be trained.
- Book: for one more day Mitch
- How to respond to criticism – learn from the criticism. Those comments that hurt worse are likely true. Analyze why the comments hurt. Listen to the voice inside.
- Be personal in the beginning.
- Some people will read blogs on topics that are opposite from their own.
- Find a style of blogging. topics that are uncomfortable or awkward.
- Search engine Optimization will make it easy to find a post.
- Write on a hot topic that matches the hot topics of the media. (Melva’s heard once that sometimes the blogger may use a similar phase that media is using. One example is a lot of LDS women wearing pants to church to protest something.
- Anyone can write for Deseret News
- Guest post on other blogs.
- Write about something you really love.
- If your blog gets high traffic, there is a good chance companies will call you to put adds on your site for money.
- Controversy is what draws people to a blog.
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