I was invited by a friend to watch the following documentary. Here are some of my notes. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- There is an underground culture with the intent to destroy the United States.
- If we lose the constitution and power then evil will divide up our nation.
- The collapse of the USR meant that we no longer had a visible threat of those trying to hurt the US. They are still a current threat.
- How do communists get new people. Find a common ground even though they disagree with you on communism. Stay friends until they are open to your message.
- Democrat Socialists party wants a revolution. Their greatest success was having Berni Sanders as a Presidential candidate. In 1960 Sanders was part of the social legacy.
- Senator Conrad, Joe Biden, Chuck Spencer, Obama were all associated with Radical organizations.
- Muslim Brotherhood support of the democrat party.
- http://www.islamist-watch.org/17912/islamist-campaign-donors-overwhelmingly-back
- Secretary Clinton pushed the Star treaty, which prevents criticizing Islam.
- The arms treaty between US and Russia is unbalanced. We have about 1700 USSR has about 4500. Governor Romney during his run for president warned about Russia and our weak US forces.
- Red–green–brown alliance is against USA and Israel.
- An Explanatory memorandum: discusses the actions of the Muslim Brotherhood. Has multiple front organizations to helped fiancé a number of political figures. This was discovered in the united states that gave their goals and accomplishments. When some in congress tried to stop the advancement of the brotherhood, senators who were benefited by the brotherhood defended them. http://www.investigativeproject.org/document/20-an-explanatory-memorandum-on-the-general
- Certain politicians arranged for the FBI to be forced to remove all documents that would help with terrorism.
- https://counterjihadreport.com/tag/fbi-document-purge/
- http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/apr/25/obamas-cleansing-of-islamic-terms-suppresses-commo/
- http://www.judicialwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/JWSRGovtPurgeAndActiveMeasures5Dec2013.pdf
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