I went to a presentation at church and took some notes. The subject was on the magic of tidying and how to fold clothes. The knowledge came originally from Maria Kondu..
Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- She says dress in nice clothes.
- When organizing fold clothes in rectangles so that you can place them up in the drawer so that all clothes are seen when you open the drawer. Do not pile them on top of each other. This provides easy access. You can see all your clothes at once when they are put in drawers vertically.
- When cleaning the house of a certain item, do it all at once. Get all the clothes in the house and put them in a big pile.
- You do all clothes in the house at once, all books at once. Discard by category not by location. Books, clothing, dishes. Not by room.
- Put all things on the floor so you can see everything you have.
- As you judge keeping or discarding an item, ask if it gives you joy. If it does not, discard. For each item does this spark joy? It needs to be an instant response.
- Don’t play music while cleaning or permit distractions. Focus on only the task
- Discard all and organize.
- Thank your objects. At the end of the day put your items away.
- She noticed that clients who got rid of stuff also lost weight.
- Fold your socks in rectangle folds as you do your clothes. Don’t tuck them inside each other and stretch out the material.
- She only keeps things she loves.
- YouTube: Google folding clothes. Maria Kondu.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lpc5_1896ro
Do you have something to add, about this wonderful, inventive man’s life? Please share. Do you have an organization trick to share, please do. Thanks