

I’ve always been interested in the genius of Tesla, so of course, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to attend a lecture about him and to see some displays of some of his technologies. I attend such a presentation at western-con 2016.

Any inaccuracies or misinformation in any of these notes is the fault of the note taker.

  • 1884 Tesla migrated to the US
  • Tesla work for Thomas Edison. Edison told Tesla if you can improve the efficiency of certain equipment I’ll give you $50,000. When Tesla did it Edison says that was a joke. Tesla quit
  • 1887 industrialists funded Tesla to improve the lightning bolt
  • Tesla built the first AC motor
  • Tesla worked for Westinghouse
  • There was a war of the currents was between Edison and GE and Tesla and Westinghouse.
  • 1890 Tesla built a transistor that could transmit electricity through the air.
  • Tesla built the Tesla coil,
  • 1891 he built the carbon ball lamp.
  • 1895 he build a wireless slam it was lionized and ionized
  • Tesla never married. He was considered an eccentric. He hated germs so he didn’t like to shake hands and wore gloves. When you go to dinner, he used a pile of napkins to clean the plates and utensils prior to eating
  • Tesla would invent an item in his head then he would sketch about for the machinist to construct and it usually worked the first time.
  • 1895 his lab burned down that contained all is working papers. He fell into a deep depression
  • Because building contractors sought out the cheapest bidder to install electricity the buildings there was a high amount of building fires. Because of that insurance companies created a list of standards that had to be followed if a builder wanted to have insurance coverage.
  • P. Morgan as Tesla did hold off on the patents and he tore them up. He knew he could create new things
  • Tesla created the first x-ray but information got burned in the fire
  • 1898 he created a radio controlled boat but the Navy was not interested
  • Colorado spring experiment created ball lightning

Do you have something to add, about this wonderful, inventive man’s life? Please share.



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