I attended an emergency preparedness workshop and these are notes from one of the presentations. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- The next line you need to teach with the attitude of not something to fear.
- http://www.saratogajacks.com/ ; free preparedness tools
- Charity never faileth.
- Cooking:
- You need a lot of water and a way to cook.
- Sun ovens work because of the reflectors. You can’t use them in high wind or cloudy days. They can also be fragile. You must use them at high noon. Even a small cloud good at cooking time to some of them.
- Anything black can keep food warm.
- Fire:
- It takes a good year to cure wood. If you burn it too early you get smoke and it doesn’t burn. It must be really dry. Sticks and twigs only take a couple months to dry.
- If you have a wood stove have to be in a tent city.
- Dakota fire pit, learn how to make it.
- A rocket stove is well-insulated cylinder and uses only a few sticks of fuel
- Best thing to have things cook is a hive of an aura called oven
- Ash is good to use to fertilize a garden (if used with caution)
- http://extension.oregonstate.edu/gardening/wood-ash-can-be-useful-yard-if-used-caution
- Ashley bakes bread every Saturday if you would like to help her choose in Saratoga Springs and call her husband’s number: Contact Melva for her phone number:
- Dutch ovens: look for the charcoal that is not self-lighting. Check out the local F.store. Oils in the quick light brackets will usually corrode briquettes after a year. Put briquettes in 5 gallon buckets. Get a charcoal chimney. You burn the charcoal until they turn gray.
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