Senses should convey an idea clearly:


Here are some notes I found at the top of my note pile. Most likely this is from a panel of LTUE. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • Make sure you use the word that is correct for meaning and interpretation
  • If you set up expectations and you don’t follow through, the readers will be disappointed.
  • Critique groups can find miss used words.
  • Speech tags need one every so often. Don’t put name by name. Real life is less.
  • You can help distinguish characters by this speech patterns
  • If there are more than two characters you need to implement more tags
  • It is recommended that you use beats with the use of ‘said’.
  • Your dialogue should indicate the tone of the story
  • Plot arc and story flow, does the character make sense?
  • Track chapter by chapter. Every plot line is colored coded. To help keep track of how information is weaved into a story. If you can’t find in highlight in a certain section it helps you find out that that plot line is a low point
  • Plot should always be moving forward
  • Show growth and change of character.
  • Look for repetitive words see how many words can be changed.
  • Look for missing words.
  • Double check all your fax. If using historical was invented by the time you’re writing about. Was it affordable?
  • Also check out when certain phrases or words were use a certain number of times or too close together.
  • The Webster dictionary will let you know some history about words and to tell you when that phrase was first used.

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