I listened to a presentation at church about family history about how to make use of family search website. Here are my notes.
- Programmers are working on new ways to make family history fun.
- Make sure that the information in your ward directory is accurate as family history uses your information to help find relevant relatives to your family.
- There was a spot that you can document memories of individuals that are up on family history. This is also an excellent place that you can start recording key points of your life.
- There is a section of family history that you can find which historical figures you are related to. This list ranges from the Prophets to historical figures such as President of the United States.
- Is also an area that you can find your pioneer ancestors and find out which ancestors came across which wagon train or handcart.
- In the old chapel, every Sunday except the first Sunday of the month will be a place where you can workshop family history. People will be there to help you. It will not be an official class but just time to actually work on your them.
- The family history centers are built in 34 different countries. The one that is closest to us is located at 450 S. 1st West in Orem. You can also go to the BYU library from nine until 730 get help up there. You are encouraged to organize your papers before you go. Before you go, it would be wise to organized your paper work.
- One of the nice things about the family history is that you will get palms of what work you can do that is specifically related to your ancestors.
- You can also add photos. With everyone who has smart phones, people are encouraged to visit grandparents, aunts and uncles and take pictures of their pictures. Make sure the individuals in the photos are probably identified and even posting up on family history. That way the photos will never be completely lost.
- There is a spot on the website that you can give yourself tasks.
- In another section of the website that you can make a list of what people you want to keep an eye out for.
- When you say were done by someone else is on your family
- They will include their email and you can contact them.
- When you are ready to submit temple paperwork, there are two conditions you need to check for.
- The person you doing work for has to be hundred and 10 years ago and
- They cannot be Jewish. The church is made an agreement with the Jewish people.
- Family history has an option of duplicate accounts to counteract where there may be hundreds of repetitions of doing temple work for the same people. Catching duplicates helps prevent repeating work that has already been done.
- You can print up to 40 temple ordinances at a time.
- There is a contact option on the website to have missionaries answer questions or to help solve the problem.
- We haven’t enough and vomiting is the menu person, you can click on that person and see their descendants (kids). On this page should be probably to the right to the left is the menu that you can point to other family history software can help you find additional information about outside the realms of search. The LDS church has made arrangements for members to get free memberships to these accounts and everyone benefits. Some of them are ancestery.com, my search, my heritage, etc
- The phone number to call for help is 866 – 406 – 1830.
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