Tonight I attended a presentation by Gregory a Hudnall. He is from Hope 4 Utah. He gave some valuable information about suicide. This is the first half of my notes. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- 10 to 17-year-olds is the most prominent age for suicides
- Most suicides can be prevented
- Those planning to suicide will give some hints of their mental status by actions, words, circumstance
- There are warning signs and risk factors that can help alert you to potential suicide
- The hope 4 Utah went to school at 2100 kids and went into each English class and asked each student that which three people would you tell if you are thinking about so citing. When all the names were handed in they found that of the 2100 students there were 40 students that were represented on nearly everyone’s list. So the organization trained those 40 students to become aware of suicide signs. As a result, there were no suicides at that school for multiple years.
- Usually, when someone is going to suicide they will admit it to somebody. But when admitted to their friends those friends were using not tell anyone else because are afraid of their friend be mad at him.
- Hope 4 Utah performs the task of finding key students who can be trained to help others from suiciding. They go to different schools to find other students that can be trained to prevent suicide.
- The website is hope4Utah.com
- For adults, the points of stress are relationships, finances, and help.
- For kids, the biggest point of stress is social image.
- Youth today, believe that 74% of information on the Internet is true.
- Teens would do about 1000 text the day on their smartphones and QD3 phone calls a day.
- Kids today are forced to grow up too quickly because of the things they encounter through the media
- 11-year-old girls of the most prominent group that suicide
- Parents, if your kids are not connected to others you need to make an effort to have them connect.
- Check out the book: hide N seek, it talks about how connections or important people’s lives
- Research has shown that students who involved with activities such as band, clubs, or other student activities or less inclined to suicide and using have upgrades.
- One student said they spent two weeks in school and not one person talk to them during those two weeks. Student’s sense of isolation is a key contributor to suicide.
- Teachers are strongly encouraged to call upon each student at least once per class.
- Most mental illness begins between the ages of 10 to 14.
- Kids go to drugs was a makes them feel good. Kids suicide to get away from pain.
- As adults doctors outside a Utah will encourage adults to address their moments of stress by drinking red wine. With LDS doctors in Utah that advice is not
- Utah is the second highest abuse of prescription drugs
- Utah County is the highest county in the state for the misuse of prescription drugs
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