After over six months of having taken the CERT class I’m taking this quiz from memory. We’ll see which of the following questions I answered correctly.
You’re having a business lunch downtown when you hear a loud explosion. You follow others outside to find what is behind the noise. In the distance you can see heavy smoke rising from the electrical plant, the very same at the plant used to power your town and several major cities in the area and you saw on the news last night cited as a potential target for recently uncovered terrorist plot. All around you, people are speculating that the plot was successful.
- What should you do?
Locate your family and evacuate to safety.
You remember from a news report that the potential plot was uncovered when an electrical plant security guard noticed the same black van parking outside for over a week. Worried that someone is watching the building, he alerted some local authorities.
- Which of the eight signs of a terrorist attack security guard notice?
A friend over to you, a little frantic, and ask why you are not headed to the disaster site help. After all, he says you are trained CERT member.
- How to respond to your friend?
“You’re right. I am a certain member, but CERT members must not respond to a potential terrorist incident.”