Over a year ago I attended a lecture where a number of native American tribes had a big gathering. Here are some of my notes. Any inaccurate information is the fault of the note taker.
- Google the Josephites of star God city (New Mexico). Here is a link. I’m not certain is this is what the lecturer was talking about: https://www.google.com/search?site=&source=hp&q=Josephites+of+star+God+city+&oq=Josephites+of+star+God+city+&gs_l=hp.3..33i160k1.1227.1227.0.2418.….0…1c.1.64.hp..
- http://quiduamericanreligious.blogspot.com/p/the-messiah-craze-is-known-as-ghost.html
- 2nd Nephi 5:3
- DC 130:
- DC 98:33
- Dance of welcome became corrupted and became the ghost dance
- DC 93:39
- God instructed the Native American James Mooney about the dance of welcome which promotes love
- Native Americans will build the new Jerusalem and will be helped by us.
- 2nd Nephi 3:24 = prophesies of the future Indian leader
- 2nd Nephi 3:7, 11, 13, 15, 24 brother Lamanites
- Book of Mormon, Isaiah’s the first five chapters or about Joseph who will be a Native American leader (I think this is what my notes said. Need to check)
- Check out 7witnesses.com ; http://www.7witnesses.com/.
- 2nd Nephi 3:24 anything with a star a servant will speak to us.
- 1st Nephi 21,
- 3rd Nephi 16:6 –7,
- DC 39:6 – 11,
- 2nd Nephi 8:9,
- DC 84: 20 – 86 = fullness
- Sarah Mount vision = looked up, (may be using the wrong phrase or spelling. Can’t find it)
- 3rd Nephi 16:13 – 16
- Isaiah 28 crown of pride