I listened to a guy’s experience who got involve in the Arab spring revolt in Syria. He told about hiding in one home and the mobs took it over. A neighbor let the American couple flee to his home. There are some notes about how to be prepared for a mob. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- A tall fence shows a house of wealth, valuable things inside
- The smell cooking meat will lure starving mobs to your place
- Don’t show your foot print to strangers
- Don’t store food in basement. put in small groups throughout the house
- For walls of a home, grow thorny bushes and create a strange path to follow provides good protection for your house.
- You will need to leave home to get water
- Do not bring attention to yourself by how you dress and act.
- For self-protection, you need to know where to aim your few bullets
- Make people think you need food, so you do not become a target
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