I attended a lecture at an emergency / book of Mormon conference and these are my notes on Humanism. Any inaccurate or misinformation is the fault of the note taker
- Nephites embraced humanism. In the book of Mormon (Alma 30) it was called priest craft. Priest craft is where you worship yourself rather than God:
- Humanism says no God, right and wrong depends upon the circumstance, he lemon 7:4, third Nephi 6:21 – 30, Alma 30:17, Alma 30:12 – 28, he lemon 13:27 – 28
- Nephi’s return to humanism fourth Nephi 1:29
- Humanism destroys religion: Alma 14:18, third Nephi 1:9 – 16, Moses 17:13
- Humanism destroys rights and self-rule: Alma 12:22
- Laws changed: third Nephi 6:25 – 30
- Private property taken Alma 43:9, Alma 3:6 – seven, third Nephi 3:6 – seven, Alma 35:43 – 62
On a different topic: sound government:
- Self-reliance: Alma 62:29, Alma 4:13
- God’s covenant rests on the land not the people. 2nd Nephi 1:7 to 9