Providing your family with safe drinking water:


Any inaccuracies or misinterpretations of the contents below are the fault of the note taker.  Glenn Meder.

How contaminated water affects your family

  • First world countries have water and sewage pipes, emery response and police, phone radio and internet etc. Third world countries don’t have these resources ‘
  • Disasters can quickly disable these compatibles. We depend on our electric grid. If not sewer water can mix with drinking water.
  • Recommend book: Lights out by Ted Koppel = discussed the vulnerability of the US electric grid.
  • If water is compromised we experience rapid dehydrations. If you can’t replace fluids people become ill. Children and babies are at high risk.

Different type of contaminations

  • Particles (items floating into the water
  • Microbiological (living organism in the water) this is the most dangerous containments. An example of this is when sewer water and drinking water mix and microorganisms grow. Distillation is the best way to clean this.
  • Inorganic contaminants (metal content such as Arsenic, fluoride, lead
  • Radioactive metals: uranium, radium
  • Organic Contaminants: solvents and pesticides. (Carbon based molecules)

The Red Cross recommends three ways to clean water

  • Boiling when you boil water the steam is what is healthy but the bad contents in the water are concentrated in the pot of water. Best used against biologicals. Use filter before using
  • Chlorination (regular bleach) and
  • Distillation. Distillation takes place when the sun changes ocean water into a vapor. Contaminants are left behind and pure water vapor is absorbed into the air. It becomes rain and rain falls on the ground.

Distillation is good against biologicals but nothing against contaminants.

Filter the water before putting it into the filter.

How to distill your water:

  1. Boil water and put lid upside down.
  2. Tie a mug on the handle to capture the steam/water before it returns to the pan  You don’t want the boiling / contaminated water to splash on your cup. You want to have the water boiling before you put on the lid (and cup) so that any impurities that will steam away lower density impurities prior to boiling. That way you have contaminates in your distiller. Print out recommendations in advance so you can have them.
  • Red Cross discourages using other chemicals to clean water
  • You should have one gallon of water each day for two weeks for each person. Sealed and store in a cool place. Need a stove and fuel like a rocket stove.
  • Filters do no filter out all impurities.
  • Ultra-violate light is currently not on the list of Red Cross recommendations. UV lights require a certain wave length Sometimes a UV light bulb may not shine at that wave length consistently if bumped etc.

Presenters are selling their own water still.

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