I attended a lecture at an emergency / book of Mormon conference and these are my notes.
Any inaccurate or misinformation is the fault of the note taker
- Moses 6:17
- Ether 2: 7 – 8
- Heleman 11:8 – 9
- Prosperity comes from wise laws
- Law of Moses is the only civil law given by God
- Deuteronomy 4:6 – 8
- Statutes are civil law.
- Love Moses the 10 Commandments = 3 Nephi 25:4, 3 Nephi 15:4 – 6, Mosiah 29:25 came from the father
- Donald Lutz and Charles Hyndman = both historians who did an intense research of the Constitution and concluded that 37% came from the Bible most of which was Deuteronomy.
- 2nd Nephi 1:5 based on the covenant of God
- 2bd Nephi 1:7, Heleman 5:2 equal self-rule
- To propose and renew?
- The law: Mosiah 29:37
- Rectified by the people Alma 1: One government under national government Zarahemla,
- Inaligible rights protected
- Most of the Bill of Rights can be found in the book Mormon such as the right’s speech, right to assemble, right to petition, and right to bear arms
- Equal justice before law and God: Alma 30:11
- Free enterprise system Helaman 6:8
- Prosperity from sound economics and religious people = Helaman 3: 25, Alma 48:11 – 17
- Washington in general shared similar traits: should an understanding of God: strong build, Laban exceedingly for the people
- Defensive warfare: Alma 43:46 – 47
- Comparison between George Washington Valley Forge not having supplies and general Moroni and not getting supplies from the government was kicked out
- Most wicked to be destroyed: 3rd Nephi 9:9