I once put together an article for using the numbers one through ten to remember the Ten Commandments. The notes below were some ideas, someone shared with me.
- No god before me because God is #1
- Idols because the number 2 looks like a snake idol (use imagination)
- Lords name in vain. Number 3 looks like lower lip and chin.
- Sabbath day holy = upside down church
- Honor parents because dad is a Square (top of 5) and Mom is round (bottom of 5)
- Don’t kill, six is a gun
- Adultery, Seven is part of an A for adultery.
- Don’t steal. Eight is a par of handcuffs 8
- Lying, (don’t bare false witness) 9 is art of the tree trunk with a bear. Put tow paws here.
- Don’t covet. 10 is beginning of covet 10vet.
Do you have a trick or mnemonic to remember something? Please feel free to share.