Publish it: 


I attended a writing seminar created by the publishers Black Card Books. They talked about how to be a successful l business entrepreneur by using books to promote your skills/business. Here are my notes on publishing your book. Any inaccurate info is the fault of the note taker.

  • Success does not come from the book but from the angle of the book.
  • You sell people what they want. Inside your book you give them what they need.
  • The title is the first thing they will see before the internal content or the picture of you.
  • In your title you need to tap into the left brain as well as the right brain.

Example (left brain): chicken soup for the soul (right brain) 101 stories of people etc.

The Millionaire Mindset: How Ordinary People Can Create Extraordinary Income.

  • The first part of the title needs to be about three words.
  • The second title can be longer and more explanatory. In this title you need to eliminate every unnecessary word.
  • Third title is starting to appear on the top rim of the book
  • Think of a title that will grab your audience.
  • Controversy is great for publicity but you need to have a personality to contend with media.
  • You can borrow popular titles and alter them for example women or from Earth men are from the moon alternate title -from Mars are. From Mars and women are from Venus. An alternative is who stole my cheese would be retitled who stole my magnet and you have different animals instead of mice.
  • Your can have a bold titles such as bloodsucking relationships
  • Covers need to be attention getters.
  • The type of cover needs to match the author.
  • You can incorporate humor. One physician for a book cover had the serious title but the picture on the book had a guy in a hospital gown with the back of the gown exposing his backside.

Another example of humor might be: Atkins is dead, past the bread.

  • When you write for specific gender or age the colors and content of your covers need to match that clientele.
  • Numbers in a title gives the perception that is a lot of data and content in the book. When you do numbers be aware that there are taboos in certain countries for certain numbers. In Asian countries the number four means death; so many apartments may not have a fourth floor for. They jump from the third floor to the fifth.

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