CBRNE indicators
Here is a continuation of notes from my CERT training discussing terrorism and what we as CERT do about it or rather not do about it. The following notes are directly from the CERT book. Any inaccuracies are the fault of the note taker.
While bombs and explosives have obvious immediate effects, biological and chemical attacks may not be as immediately noticeable. Indicators that biological or chemical attacks has occurred or is underway could include:
- Vapor clouds or mists that are unusual for the area before the time a day. Although many biological and chemical agents cannot be seen with the neck and I, the substances in which they are suspended when dispersed may be visible for a period of time after an attack.
- Unscheduled spraying or abandon spray devices. Several September 11, 2001, terrorist are known to have made inquiries for purchasing and learning to fly crop duster airplanes. Many other types of August cultural sprayers can be used to disperse biological and (more likely) chemical agents.
- Materials or equipment that is unusual for the area. Dispersal devices, lab equipment, or quantities of hazardous materials that are not typically located in the area may indicate that terrorist attack is occurring was about to occur.
- Unusual odors or tastes
- Out of place and an unintended packages, boxes, or vehicles. Items out of place and unattended the signal a possible terrorist attack. This could include chemical or biological agents as well as explosives.
- Packages that are leaking may be harmless, but they may also signal a terrorist incident. The terrorists for release sarin in in the Tokyo subway system (Aum Shinriko) merely poke holes in bags containing sarin, the left the area as the poison leaked out.
If you observe any of these indicators of terrorist incident you should:
- Not touch it!
- Move away from the object or area
- Report it to authorities immediately
Remember: cellular phones and two-way radios create static electricity and may detonate explosive devices. CERT members should always report suspected explosive devices via landline.
Physical effects on people and animals may also indicate that a chemical or biological attack has occurred. These may include:
- Numerous sick or dead animals, fish, or birds. Wildlife is more insensitive to chemical or biological agents that humans. The absence of wildlife or insects that are common for the area or animals, fish, or birds that obviously sick, dying or dead may indicate the presence of a biological or chemical attack.
- Large numbers of persons seeking medical attention with similar symptoms that is not characteristic of the season. The symptoms of many biological agents mimic the flu and other common illnesses. An unusually large number of persons seeking medical attention for the flu in July could indicate that a biological attack has taken place.
- Multiple victims who are exhibiting similar symptoms. Symptoms may range from difficulty breathing to skin necrosis to uncontrolled salivating, uncontrolled muscle twitching, convulsions or seizure activity. All of these symptoms indicate that a chemical attack may have taken place.
- Multiple casualties without obvious signs of trauma may indicate a biological or chemical attack.