I listen to a radio show called The Browser where the two hosts will access information off the internet and then share what they learn with their listening audience.
I found the following to be very interesting. I have had these techniques applied to me directly when I was discussing some of my concerns about Obama-Care. I had a list of concerns and referenced specific pages and verse in the 2000+ pg/ document. In response certain individuals thought they would win the debate by name calling. They scored pretty big on that one.
General political tactics = (if you or I use these tactics in a political discussion, it shows that we’re closed minded.)
1. You attack a person direct and not their point they bring up.
2. doing a doge and weave and you ignore what is said and continue on with your points.
3. Group in = “You are just like all” the other republican or democrats or such and such
4. You can understand or talk about it because you haven’t experienced it.
When you watch political debates see who is using these techniques. You may also see if you or people you talk to employ these techniques.