Family history: Final Review


Today is the last class of family history. Now I need to seek out sources of knowledge of how to look up information via census records, birth and death certificates, and marriages etc.

Here are the final reminders about family history teaching others.

A comparison was made of how Christ taught a lot of his object lessons through fish/fishing themes. Also it was said this better to teach a man to fish and if even one fish. This being that if you give him a fish, he can eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish he can feed his family today and in the future.

  1. Create a successful first experience. This can be embellished by already knowing their customer number and being familiar with how to do an easy set up.
  2. Scout out the person family history in advance so you can find nuggets of opportunity so they can find success on their first experience. Use your knowledge to help them find a good lead for joining family history.
  • Depending upon what history has been done in the past will influence your response to helping them. If you have a client who’s just starting out with hardly anything in their family fan then the First thing to is fill out the personalized family booklet. These free booklets are available to family history reps in the area.
  • For those that have partial trees that hints and suggestions would be a good way for them to continue their work until then start filling out more of their fan chart.
  • If someone has a fool fledged filled out fan chart those people want to do work via the ascendancy options to family history.
  1. Tap into the object lesson mentioned earlier about fish is better to cast the easy fish first. When you help a new client you don’t want to be modeled down with trying to clean out duplicate entries on the name. As you help some of the first time concentrate on something be done easily to avoid discouragement.
  2. Keep the equipment simple. Using family search and maybe the other accounts like heritage or ancestry websites. Also when you beginning you might want to cast a wider net is there going to specific with trying to find only one fish but there may be a group of fish in certain for the family tree that is more accessible and easier for beginners.
  3. Look for hints and clues. Both family search and ancestry email hints once you join their organization. A fisherman when walking down the River knows that fish life hiding under the bridges of Riverbank and under a rock to on the protected. Thus the fisherman will direct his bait he wore those areas of the River. In family history look under details and record here.
  4. This is can’t find the fish? An example of this in family search is that sometimes you may skip somebody because the census taker misspelled someone’s name.
  • You may make a better connection when you think of the possibility of someone else have an exact same birth and death has a slightly different spelling in the same exact location it might be the same person
  1. Decadency is used to help researchers find extended family relationships. In family search click on the fan chart to view your ancestors. The image will be a whale that’s like spokes of a tire or slices of a pie. Select a name on the outside reading of the fan. In the inner circle of the name from one generation to another, you will see a shadowed edge on the miniaturized fan. When you click on that it will put that particular person in the center of the wheel and you now see their pie chart.
  • Once you have you selected name in the middle of the pie chart go to the top left edge of the screen. Next to fan chart are two little circles linked together with lines. Many people call these lollipops. Click on the lollipops icon. The descendants word shows up next to the lollipops.
  • Now this activated, you can see the name and children. On the left side as the names on the right side of Temple images. The blue Temple means the works been done. The yellow Temple says that something is needed before work can be done. It might be something as simple as a formatting problem. But frequently it is missing data. This is where the more long term family history personnel concentrate their energies.
  1. Reduce the snags. Avoid overcomplicated issues and so you gain more experience.
  2. Don’t go after the trophy. A lot of people can be lured (of course the pun was intended) by trying to find a connection between themselves and royalty. Don’t pursue that.
  3. Seek out help difficult tasks. Family history as helpers via chat and email and other sources. I’ve use this already and find them very helpful.

If anyone has suggestions on how to do actual research and web sites for census, graveyard info etc., please feel free to share those ideas.

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