These are the notes I took at the family history class the Sunday. Any inaccuracies or mistakes is the fault of the note taker. Hopefully it will be of use.
- Family history has its own variant of triage. They spell it tree age.
- This is a process where people and their family trees or evaluated according to their need.
- Have prayer before you begin your family history.
- Here are some important steps to help someone get started member or nonmember.
- Set up a meeting
- Evaluate the tree prior to your visit with them. Look at their tree in advance and see what areas might be good starting points for them.
- Evaluate situation what is the person’s goals. Find their heritage, obeying the commandments
- Create a plan of action.
- Evaluate the situation. Skill set of the researcher, what my interest them, access to the Internet with computers etc.
- Evaluate their interest level. This may be influenced by how much time have available. Life circumstances of being a single parent by having kids of being retired.
- Build a customized plan that meets the needs of each individual. In this plan identified the rest process to start from.
- A full tree is 5 to 7 generations.
- You can start doing the work for people older than 1905, otherwise you need to get the permission of a family member.
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