Alfred Adask (TX) gave a presentation on how various governments of the world are taking away the value of man as being created in Goad’s image and identifying man as a mere animal. He presented this information to the documentation of the law.
Gen 1: (an overview)
God creates this earth and its heaven and all forms of life in six days—The creative acts of each day are described—God creates man, both male and female, in His own image—Man is given dominion over all things and is commanded to multiply and fill the earth.
Gen 1:26-28
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
It all started when a couple in Texas asked his help.
There is a couple who sold Colloidal Silver and the government told the attorney general of Texas to prosecute the couple for selling medicine without a license. They would be charged $25K a day fine. Through the years the couple eventually asked alfred to provide suggestions of what to do.
He looked at the paperwork from the attorney general. He studied the definition of medicine. He noticed that medicine was interpreted any chemical that causes a change in man or other animals. It was at this point he saw that in today’s laws of man. man is being labeled as being equal to an animal. He became involved with the case and presented to the court that due to religious liberty many feel that they were created in God’s image and had to minion over animals as documented in Genesis.
Because of this, man has certain rights that animals don’t. This also explains while certain sins or crimes are considered an offense against God and not just man. Since man is created under the image of God whatever is done to man could be considered being done to God. Examples of this might be murder (Genesis 96) or sodomy. There is an organization that is fighting against genocide. There’s an article that talks about the 10 stages of genocide. Check out the website:
Even in the Declaration of Independence it states that all men are created equal and that this is self-evident.
Alfred upon sharing his observation about the phrasing of the law in various states was contacted by people from other countries but also found that their laws indicated man and animal to be of equal level.
The definition in the law of men it animal being equal seem to have started in 1906. The concern about this is that if man is equal to animals they may not deserve having rights.
He said that the difference between unalienable rights and inalienable rights. unalienable rights means that individual has the power to make a decision. inalienable rights mean that I can give up my rights. Example of this might be Esau selling his birthright to Jacob for porridge.
By looking at the law, anything that makes a physical change in the body of animal or man could be considered medicine. Does that mean could a Taser being used by a police officer be considered practicing medicine without a license said that causes a change in the body?
This could also influence abortion. In Ezekiel its reference that man existed prior to birth. And us at the moment of conception man is considered a live if we interpret that Scripture in Ezekiel correctly.
For more information on this topic check out this website.