Here are the rest of my notes from one of symposium panels I attended several years ago. I got some good information about the mind of the criminal.
- Stages of the cult leader: verbal, articulate and intelligent. Can sway large groups of people. Confidence gets blown out of proportion. Codependency develops between the leader and the followers. Each is dependent upon the others illnesses
- Personality of leader: God inspires me. God talks to me. God talks through me. I speak for God when he tells me what to say. I speak for God even when he doesn’t tell me. Therefore, you do whatever I tell you.
- When you hold life-and-death in your hands you are doing what God does. You choose as to what everyone else is going to do. Few of them say they are God, but they do feel as his mouthpiece.
- Serial killer: he was confused about the other inmates wanted to kill him. Starts out with a period of vulnerability. Often sometimes in early life. False accusations and family as a child. Didn’t fit in at school. He fantasized and began to feel that he was important because of these fantasies. Read Reader’s Digest and identified with heroes and stories. What follows some young lady home, hoping some car would threaten her and he could save her. But it never happened and he continued to be empty. Fast he often begins the life of a violent criminal. They live in the fantasy for longer as they grow older. As he adapts to one level of excitement (fantasy) he needs to advance to the next level.
- Stephen King said that he would act out his stories out when he couldn’t put them on paper.
- Individuals involved with heavy fantasy tend to dissociate (dissociate from things going on around him, for what they reconsider reality) actually becomes part of a movie, book, fantasy. As we dissociate when driving. The person is trying to feel what is happening.
- One fellow in prison want to fantasized to the degree that it would occur in front of him as if it were real. But I discovered he couldn’t stop it and it took him a long time to free himself of it.
- The individual involved in fantasy would begin to live to support his fantasies and soon his lies began to mark him among his acquaintances.
- Most people develop self-confidence gradually. As this person tells lies, he feels bad and knows he needs to feel better. He creates thoughts and beliefs to boost his confidence. However, he realizes that does not reflect reality, and so he does pushes fantasies higher to boost that confidence. Soon he practically pitches himself as God
- An individual who pitches himself dating beautiful women, he plays it to every detail because he feels inadequate. He needs to make sure he does whatever is right. In the fantasy he always wins because it is under his control however in real life it really works out that way
- An individuals involved in sexual things (usually self – stimulation) develop fantasy. Wesley Dodd: stood naked in front of his window and kids came and laughed at him. Cops came that night but didn’t think it was for real. So Wesley got away with it. Most exciting experience even after molesting many children and killing three that was that flashing experience.
- Fantasy experience associated with masturbation. A minor injury versus a serious injury. Both receive the same painkiller. For the minor injury, the person feels some relief. For the major, it is a major relief, almost addictive.
- Sex offenders often masturbate when younger. As he gets older, he’s thinking becomes rigid because he doesn’t want to make any mistakes. Goes with many girls and finds them wanting. Finally he gets access to some terrific young lady and relationship develops. However he is still masquerading behind this fantasy and he feels that he is a phony. He worries that she will see through it. He begins fearing that she will begin dating other people. Giving is following her, calling her. When the relationship breaks up, he returns to the fantasy and the revenge fantasy develops. He also sets itself up. He is with the young lady, gets angry, worries he will be found out and so he kills her. First he feels a lot of guilt. But he is hurting at the time of the killing and feels as deep sense of gratification at the moment of the murder. Person becomes and egocentric, very self-focused. It hurts so much, what he has done; he begins to perceive all people (men and women) as objects. He sees a woman someplace in public, but begins to fantasize. He sees the enemy as sluts. Then he can justify what he does to them. He has rehearsed as so many times, is easy to carry it out.
- Arthur Bishop: “when I killed a child, it was as if something left me. Conscience never bothered me afterwards.
- Put yourself in the place the bad guy. His actions seem very logical to him through his justifications
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