Emergency Check List:


Utah, a mover and shaker: quiz:


Q: During an earthquake why is it important always have shoes and a flashlight next to your bed?

Q: If plumbing was interrupted how much spare water do you have access to?

Q: If you had no electricity what do you do for cooking, light, warmth?

Q: If there was road damage between you and your home what bare essentials do you carry in your car?

Q: Where are your flashlights and do you have spare batteries?

Q: Why should you avoid striking a match after an earthquake?

Q: Why would you want to avoid using the toilet after an earthquake, and what is the alternative?

Q: Does each family member have contact info in case of emergency?

Q: Do you have sufficient food in your house for your family for a week?

Q: What means does your household use to notify neighbors of someone being hurt after an earthquake?

Q: How much gas should you keep in your car in case of emergency?

Q: If you must evacuate your house in 10 minutes, what bare essentials do you have ready to take with you?

Q: When searching a damaged building for survivors, why should CRT members always travel in pairs?

Q: When using a fire extinguisher, where should you aim?

Q: How should a family address hygiene issues during emergencies?

Q: If bank ATMs were unavailable, do you have access to cash?

Q: Do your neighbors know of your essential medical needs in case of emergency?

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