Only a matter of time:


I recently attended a Book of Mormon evidence conference. I listened to a number of panels that gave archaeological evidence of where evemts occurred in Northern America that matched the Book of Mormon. It was a great conference. This blog touches upon some of a panel discussing the signs of the times for the coming of Christ.

– You can respond to signs of the times with fear of faith.
– Genesis 1:14 – 18. Let there be signs and seasons.
– Amos 5:87 stars, which is the palaces stars
– Psalms 147:4 call the stars mining.
– Isaiah 40:22. Spread the stars about 2 million.
– Psalms 8:3 – five moon and stars that have been ordained.
– Psalms 19:1 – four heavens declare the glory of God. Nowhere is his voice not heard.
– One star has the same name, known as Virgin in a tribal language as well as Hebrew. Certain constellations are no end how countries the world.
More will come next week.

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