I recently attended a Book of Mormon evidence conference. I listened to a number of panels that gave archaeological evidence of where certain things could have occurred in Northern America that matched the Book of Mormon. It was a great conference. Today’s topic is the power of the book Mormon evidence
Book of Mormon evidence is important for the following reasons:
1. Authority of God’s work: Jews are to be baptized in flowing water, there is floating water and no, the United States.
Blood evidence exists in the Native Americans.
Some scholars may be resting the Scriptures to support their theories. Resting in the dictionary can mean twisted: look at
Alma 41:1 https://www.lds.org/search?q=Alma+41%3A1+&domains=all&lang=eng
Alma 13:20 https://www.lds.org/search?q=Alma++13%3A20&domains=all&lang=eng
a person named Jeremy? Presented 97, page letter about why he apostatized from the church. One of the reasons was the idea that the book of Mormon occurred in Mesoamerica. Check second Nephi 27:14
2 Nephi 4:24.we lie upon the arm of flesh
2. The book of Mormon is nonfiction:
if the book of Mormon is made up that Joseph Smith is not a prophet. Presenting a corrected geography matching to the book of Mormon authenticity
3. The book morning is a living history: if it speaks of horses, swords and elephants, then geography must support that information
4. It can be missionary tool: the heartland model answers questions. Now we have tangible witnesses combined with faith of the book Mormon
5. It can be used to defend the gospel:
Evidence let you be ready with an answer to questions about the gospel.
Scriptures talk about the armor of God here are some samples
Ephesians 6:11–17
DC 27:15 – 18. https://www.lds.org/search?q=D.C.+27%3A15-18&domains=all&lang=eng
Jeffrey Holland says to defend your belief with courtesy and compassion
6. Tells of the remnant of Israel: the book of Mormon has promises geared for Israel. Pani Indian, elder Larry Echo Hawk testifies the book Mormon.1 Nephi 15:14 learn who they are, they learn of the gospel.
7. Is the Lord’s covenant: is the message to all who live within United States.
Ether 2:12 https://www.lds.org/search?q=ether+2%3A12&domains=all&lang=eng
2 Nephi 1:9 https://www.lds.org/search?q=2+Nephi+1%3A9&domains=all&lang=eng
Mosiah 2:22 https://www.lds.org/search?q=Mosiah+2%3A22&domains=all&lang=eng
8. Presents patterns of history. History repeats itself
Authority of God’s word:
Andrew Jackson said “the Bible is the rock with our republic rests.”
Psalms 119:105 The word is a lamp. https://www.lds.org/search?q=Psalms+119%3A105+&domains=all&lang=eng
1 Peter 1:25 word endures forever. https://www.lds.org/search?q=1+Peter+1%3A25+&domains=all&lang=eng
John 17:17 https://www.lds.org/search?q=John+17%3A17&domains=all&lang=eng
Proverbs 30:5–6 https://www.lds.org/search?q=Proverbs+3%3A3-7&domains=all&lang=eng
Proverbs 3:3-7 https://www.lds.org/search?q=Proverbs+30%3A5%2C6&domains=all&lang=eng
1 Nephi 15: 24 https://www.lds.org/search?q=1+Nephi+15%3A+24&domains=all&lang=eng
DC 17:1. Must rely upon my word. https://www.lds.org/search?q=D.C.+17%3A1&domains=all&lang=eng
DC 18:33 – 34 https://www.lds.org/search?q=D.C.+18%3A33%2C34&domains=all&lang=eng
DC 1:38 my words shall not pass away. https://www.lds.org/search?q=D.C.+1%3A38+&domains=all&lang=eng
Check out the book: fading faith, talks about how religion is fading in the use.
DC 17:6, God testifies that the book of Mormon is true. https://www.lds.org/search?q=D.C.+17%3A6&domains=all&lang=eng