I’m taking a break from object lessons in my Monday blog as I want to share the notes I took from the book of Mormon conference. Since these notes are religious in nature. I think they can be of interest.
These are notes from a lecture, Temples, ramps, and the land of Zarahemla. I attended while attending the book of Mormon evidence conference. The theory, that the events of the book Mormon occurred in South America comes from three articles that were written in the city newspaper in Nauvoo, Illinois. John Neville has written the book unraveling the secret of who was the true author of those three articles are.
In the book of Mormon Zarahemla is north of the land of the Nephi and Manti. The geography of the book of Mormon is in lower in evaluation than Manti and the geography of Ohio matches those descriptions.
Some historians object to Mississippi being the River Siden because of the word head of the River Siden. Looking at an old dictionary’s interpretation of head can also mean conflux. A conflux means a meeting of waters. In a section of the Mississippi needs that qualification.
There are times when the river Mississippi has an average of 2 to 3 feet in depth. There are references in church history, of people riding their horses across the river.
From this lecture, I heard a story of James Munro as a child getting lost in the woods and George Washington in finding him, giving him a ride back home. Now that I know about this story I have to keep an eye out for additional references when I read US history books.
If you have additional information on this subject, please feel free to share it in the comment section this blog.