These notes were taken from a webinar off Writer’s Digest site.
– Some authors use their print version of book is a marketing tool and occasionally sold.
– Crowdfunding: people will raise money to pay for designer and editors. i.e.: kick starter.
– You need to keep writing to improve your craft so your writing competes effectively with other professionals.
– You also need to have cover and contest professional level.
– Learn about design basics.
– Sales start to increase as they like the last book they read and see a new one and buy it again.
– Mega data: is info that will go into discoverability for your book cover, descriptive code, bisect codes
– Need to learn about book design. It needs to be a person who knows book design.
– Need to learn about sales copy.
– SEO, search engine: need to use mega words that will find your book more effectively.
– Need to learn about gorilla marketing. Such as 10,000 in a newsletter. A newsletter is one of the best direct marketing tools. Start is as quick as you can. You can start with members of your writing groups. Facebook page can also find contacts.
– Writer beware blog = watch that for warnings
– Determine for yourself what you can do and what people can pay for and what might take too much time away from your writing.
– Need to get a book blurb = network with other authors. You can write an author and see if they are willing to read your book
– Need cover that has a lot of color and eye catching and have great back cover text. It needs to be concise and creative.
– For nonfiction: Get an expert to write a forward on your book and that experts name will be searched on google and your book can come up.
– Find an editor who matches with your needs/personality. Get references and recommendations
– If you’re a new writer hire a content editor
– $150 a cover is a possible charge (competitive)
– You need to read a lot. Read the best book award winning and star reviewed books.
– Join writing groups and writers conferment’s to learn the business of writing.
– Before you try to design your own cover, look at 100 books that are in your sub-genera.
– To get books in libraries, need a traditional publisher. Another option is the Library Journal if you create your book for review they will get the ebook distributed to libraries. Purely for distribution and exposure.
Have something to add to the list? Please do so in the comment section of this blog. Thanks.