Today’s theme is inspired by a wonderful quote a friend shared on Facebook. It will make a great topic for an object lesson. I hope these lessons can be of use to youth ministries, family devotionals, and family home evenings.
Quote; we are all a little broken, but last time I checked, broken crayons still color the same.
Object lesson:
Have two sets of crayons, one, from a new package and the second, have a bunch of broken pieces of canyons. Have various pictures from coloring book for all class members or family members.
Have the group color a nice picture with the new set of crayons. Once the first picture is completely colored in, discuss as a group how nicely the canyons helped the pitcher become attractive with color. Next, have the group color different picture with the unbroken crayons. Once the second picture is complete, discuss the similarities of how attractive the second picture looks because of how colorful the picture looks.
Now discussed as the group, how the second batch of broken crayons were able to accomplish the same objectives as those that were not broken. This object lesson may relate to the people who may be handicapped in some areas, but may accomplish many of the same tasks as those who are not handicapped. This might be an appropriate time to discuss the secondhand accounts may not be visible. This might be compared to coloring on white piece of paper with a white crayon.
These broken crayons object lesson could also touch upon the theme that each of us is unique. We each have our own color. Some of us may be blues and reds and browns, but others may be orange and yellow. Just because not all of us are blues does not mean that we can’t add beauty to a picture in a coloring book. Maybe as a class and group we can discuss the different positive attributes associated to various colors. Then as a family or class, have the group point out a specific positive trait of each member.
If you have other ideas on this object lesson, please feel free to share it in the comment section of this blog.