Following the promptings of the spirit:


I hope this lesson can be of use to youth ministries, family devotionals, Sunday schools and family home evenings. Tonight’s topic is following the promptings of the Holy Spirit or of the Holy Ghost.

Various Scriptures talk about the spirit of the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit. The spirit can help us gain a testimony of the divinity of Christ. It can also help us know what’s right and wrong. If you want to study a certain principle of the gospel Jesus Christ, we can study the Scriptures, and pray to God of discuss our questions and concerns. He can sometimes answer our questions through the Holy Spirit.

As we seek a response, we need to remember that there may not be a great noise from which we get an answer, but rather, it may be a still small voice or prompting It may be a simple impression. And for my personal challenge, I need to have the patients to be quiet eought to get a response. Some us pray and then don’t open the door to give God a chance to anser. And often we may want to make the best decisions we can, and then ask God if we’ve made a good choice. God may often answer by the Holy Spirit which may help us feel a calm comfort rather than having anxiety.

The Holy Spirit can be compared to a magnet. It can pull our our minds and thoughts in a certain directions.

Objects for lesson a strong magnet, a cardboard table and a paper clip.
Borrow a strong magnet and hold it beneath a table. Place a piece of paper on the desktop and then a paper clip. Moving the magnet around beneath the paper clip, should move the paper clip as well. The magnet is not touching the paperclip, but the impressions of the Holy Ghost or the magnet can draw the paperclip to follow a certain path.

The Holy Ghost can help us make decisions throughout our daily lives. It could help us better understand gospel principles. When we have a question, we can read the Scriptures, and pray. Heavenly father may answer our questions in multiple ways. The answer may come from the Scriptures themselves. Someone that we know may say something that widens our perceptions. Other answers may come from the Holy Ghost. God by leaving an impression in our hearts through the Holy Ghost.

As we involve God in our lives, our mindset may influence our business decisions. We would use the principles of integrity and endeavor live better lives. Our values influence how we conduct our business affairs.

We can ask for God’s influence about important decisions in our life and we may be given an impression. As we follow God’s promptings we become more attuned to God and have the motivation to do good things, the Holy Spirit obtains a positive receptacle in which to better communicate.

Through practice we can get better in following the prompting of the spirit.

I like to share an example, my personal life. Several years ago, I had a sprinkler problem that caused damage in my basement. Possessions were damaged. I was told that the flooding created a dangerous mold. So I needed to get rid of the boxes that contained different possessions. I was at a loss of where to find a good source of boxes. But then I had a prompting of the Holy Spirit to seek out the church cannery to purchase boxes. I was able to buy enough to meet my needs at a reasonable price. I know God inspired me to access this source for boxes.

We may all have experiences where we felt an impression to respond in a certain way and our actions made the situation better. Some of us need a lot more practice in following the spirit. I’m glad to see how it has provided a positive influence in my life when I pay attention. My invitation is that we seek out the spirit as we make decisions, so we can be wise and do actions in accordance to the gospel Jesus Christ.

If you have ideas to share this concept, please do so in the comment section of this blog. Thanks

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